KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN – In another sign that the city is serious about making it easier for tech companies (and local residents) in the northern part of KH to get around, Kaohsiung City’s Public Works Bureau says a NT$232 million (approximately US$7.4 million) project to widen Jieshou Road (介壽路) will begin in March and be completed in late 2026, with the final result seeing a dual-direction thoroughfare with four traffic lanes, separated bicycle lanes, and pedestrian walkways. KH City says it is responding and will continue working on improving transportation needs in areas that are seeing rapid development. In the northern sections of Zuoying, there’s been increased traffic volume spurred by the ongoing construction of the Congshi Anju Public Housing complex, and the coastal highway (New Taiwan Provincial Highway 17) in Zuoying District. The image below shows some of what’s planned for what was once Zuoying military/navy land. The tall apartment blds., are illustrations of the Zuoying Congshi Anju Public Housing Complex (左營崇實社區).

Jieshou Road has historically been a key access route between the Zuoying Naval Base, the Zihmian New Village, and downtown Zuoying. The road will be expanded from 16 meters to 30 meters in width to improve traffic flow. The expanded Jieshou Road will feature pedestrian-friendly sidewalks on both sides, incorporating accessible ramps and consolidating utility infrastructure – including electrical boxes, streetlights, and parking spaces – into dedicated utility strips. This design will maximize pedestrian space and create a more accessible and barrier-free environment.
Image and info via KH Public Works Bur. / AmCham Kaohsiung English News